GPMAW 9.50



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Mass spectrometry tables


Installation of GPMAW version 9.51.

Due to an error in the ms/ms fragmentation window when called from the peptide window, the v 9.50 of GPMAW has been replaced with v. 9.51. The time-stamp is identical to v. 9.50.

As of March 9, 2014, there is an additional upgrade of version 9.51 - again caused by the ms/ms fragmentation failing when disulfide bonded proteins are digested with missed cleavages.

The following installation files will all install the same version of GPMAW on your system, but due to variations in Windows and access rights of users, a number of different install programs are presented.

Upgrade of GPMAW.
Download for 32-bit Windows. (file name ‘GPupdate32.exe’).
Download for 64-bit Windows. (file name ‘GPupdate64.exe’).
This will only install the executable file, help file and documentation. This is the file with the smallest footprint and is recommended for upgrading.
Note: This is not a complete system and is only useful for upgrading an existing system. If you have problems with the upgrade on a 64-bit system, please contact Lighthouse data.

All install systems mentioned below are full installs and need the license file (gpmaw.lcs) in order to complete installation.
To perform an installation you should download to a temporary directory, copy your license file (‘gpmaw.lcs’) to the same directory, and then activate (double-click) the .exe file.

Full install (file name ‘setup.exe’). Click for download.
This is the full install including species specific databases (human, rat, mouse) and is thus very big. This install is not normally recommended, as the included utility ‘GPget’ can download and index these databases very easily.

32-bit installer (file name ‘GPsetup32.exe’). Click for download.
Standard installer for 32-bit Windows. You need to include ‘gpmaw.lcs’ file in the same directory as the setup file in order to get a working system.

64-bit installer (file name ‘GPsetup64.exe’). Click for download.
Standard installer for 32-bit Windows. You need to include ‘gpmaw.lcs’ file in the same directory as the setup file in order to get a working system.

’Classic’ installer (file name ‘SetupNoDb.exe’). Click for download.
The ‘old’ installer for 32-bit Windows - may not work on newer Windows system, particularly if you have restricted User Access Rights. Will install without the ‘gpmaw.lcs’ file but you will get a demo version running.

New features in version 9.50.

  • Ms/ms of linked peptides in the ms/ms window
  • Residue modifications can now be set as variable (limited use)
  • Cleavage analysis now supports variable modifications
  • Coverage map closes parent windows when called from ms/ms
  • Coverage map saves display setting
  • Find glycosylation window
  • Find peptides in Alignment modified and can be called from ClustalW
  • Reduce mgf file with various parameters
  • Mass file info saved between sessions
  • Manual cleavage box fixed.
  • Glycosylation editor fixed and updated.
  • Multithreading implemented for X!Tandem.
  • If installed during installation, the Dummies Guide and the Manual can be called from the Help menu (needs Adobe Acrobat).
  • Peptides with a single charges residue is for pI calculted as pK +/- 3 units
  • The Auto digest dialog has a ‘Default’ button

New features in version 9.51

  • An error in ms/ms fragmentation window when called from the peptide window resulted in wrong calculation of terminals and as a result of this of all mass values.
  • Calculations of SS disulfide bridged peptides has been improved. The related SS linkage peptide window has been improved with more options and better calculation of complex linkage patterns.
  • The ClustalW sequence alignment option has been improved with more options.
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