GPMAW 9.11



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Mass spectrometry tables


New features in GPMAW version 9.11

Version 9.11 of GPMAW is mainly an error correction of 9.10, but with a few extra features. Version 9.10 was compiled with a new compiler, which introduced new programming paradigms, which unfortunately led to errors.

Major error corrections:
Fixed ’Clear modification’, disabling Cys in pop-up
Missed cleavage in multiple chain protein, and numbering
An error in sequence coverage occasionally took down the program - fixed
Edit sequence -> error in selected range fixed; gutter size problem fixed
Highlight residue carried on into ms/ms window (incl. simple view)
Cleavage analysis sometimes failed leading to a locked program
A number of smaller fixes has been carried out throughout the program.

New features:
List of proteins accessed through accession numbers are saved in a drop-down list. This can be a convenient way of retrieving sequences that you only use shortly, and do not want to clutter up your hard drive. Whenever you retrieve a sequence through the accession box, the number and the first 40 characters of the name are saved in the drop-down list to a depth of 20 sequences.
[DRIVES] RUNMODE=3 in setup ini creates user profile in My Documents. This is primarily meant as a manual fix on computers with many users, as each user will thus have their own copy of local parameters and sequence files.
Press Shift + control + letter to highlight residue. This is a fast way of highlighting a specific residue (e.g. Sh+Ctrl+L will highlight all Leucine residues). This command will always use the last of the highlight colors.
Searching and indexing databases rewritten, read on-line help before use. The old routine was no longer useable. Presently only works for databases < 2GB. You can convert EMBL file formats larger than 2 GB to FastA format, but not index these. Larger than 2 GB files can hopefully be indexed in the next version.
'Open Swiss-Prot/NCBI record' slightly changed.

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