GPMAW 9.12



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Mass spectrometry tables


New features in GPMAW 9.12.

New version of NCBI BLAST included (blastp ver. 2.2.25+). This has also resulted in changing the (external) program that performed the formatting of BLAST databases. However, this should be transparent to end users, and previously compiled databases should continue to function.

BLAST function reworked and new functionality added
You can now set parameters for gap costs (existence/extension)

Ability to change Atom mass table.
The Atom mass table is saved in the gpmaw.ini file, but you can now create completely different mass files for experimenting with isotopes.

Error in peptide mass fingerprinting fixed

Additional copy functions added to the ms/ms search

You can digest an entire FastA formatted file and get the results in a text file for import into other programs (e.g. Excel) (command File | FastA databases | Digest database),

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