Installation of GPMAW version 14.20/14.21
Released on January 04, 2025. February 04. 14.21 on February 05, 2025.
Version 14.20 of GPMAW has been replaced by version 14.21 due to an error in the installer combined with .ini file handling in the program. Please uninstall previous version prior to installing the present version.
All install systems mentioned below are full installs and need a license key in order to complete installation. To perform an installation you should download to a temporary directory, and then activate (double-click) the .exe file. When first run by the end-user, you will need to enter the 25 character license key.
Note: you need administrator rights to install the program
32-bit installer (file name ‘GPsetup32.exe’). Please contact Lighthouse data if you need a 32-bit version of GPMAW version 14.21
64-bit installer (file name ‘GPsetup64.exe’). Click for download. Standard installer for 64-bit Windows. This file is also available as a zipped file. Click for download.
Upgrading from previous version. User files are not deleted during this upgrade. Files that are part of the original installation should not be overwritten, but you may want to keep a copy of your sequence (.seq), modification files (.mod) and mass files if they have been modified.
For the first-time run, the user is asked to accept a new .ini file. This is strongly recommended as all user files will then be present in a subdirectory of the given users Document directory.
If you want to have a look at the full manual, you can find it here.
For more details on the installation procedure, check here.
Changes in ver. 14.20
- Search N-glycans updated
- Open FastA file accepts large files and has a search function
- Averigine included in isotope distribution in peptide info
- Kerning in sequence window
- Option to open program on secondary monitor (System setup - Display)
- Manage modification files dialog improved
- Calculate M/MH+ values from m/z values
- ms/ms mass search info improved
- View mzXML files UPGRADED, new features.
- Web retrieval of sequences fixed
- Automatic resizing of sequence window upon startup fixed
- Management of license improved
- Uncommon error fixed in Uniprot sequence input
- Copying amino acid composition from protein info | composition fixed.
- Minor errors in mass search
Changes in ver. 14.21
- Peptide window font size slider
- Protein modifs variable size (new limit 200)
- Updating import of annotation
- .ini file handling improved.
- "Shadow" removed when using kerning and 3-letter code.